Lifestlye & Health Co

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5 tips to stay motivated with your health and wellness goals during winter

1. Set small and achievable goals

Start with a routine that is simple and easy to implement. The key to long-term improvement is to master one area at a time.

2. Exercise with others

It can be hard to get out of bed when it's cold and wet outside. Working out with others improves motivation and helps to keep you accountable.

3. Be flexible

The best plans recognize that things don't always go to plan. Consider mixing up the activities you participate in and using fitness apps like Strava or Nike Run Club to keep you engaged online in the instance that friends and family are otherwise occupied.

4. Prep like a boss

You've been there before: You forgot to pack your gym clothes, you worked late and missed your morning coffee walk, you let a deadline slip, and now your rushing to your nearest takeaway place before heading back to your desk. Instead, consider implementing a few simple tricks to make your life much easier. A monthly planner can help you keep on top of upcoming deadlines and daily tasks. Allowing you to allocate time to exercise or new habits you are trying to master. Meals prepped in advance can save you from splurging on Big Macs, and laying your kit out the evening before a class can prevent any last-minute panics.

5. It's OK to stop and fall short

Sometimes, exercising in winter can feel harder.

Remember it is OK to take a break it's OK to walk or sit down or have some time off altogether.

The same applies to other areas of your life, not every day is going to be perfect and some days, it may be a struggle to simply get out of bed. So it's important to acknowledge that your doing your best and your best is enough.

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